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Virtual Economy

Aug 29, 2020

Epic and Apple both walk away from the restraining order hearing with a piece of what they wanted. Now we wait until the end of September for the next courtroom showdown. We also discuss Lab Zero’s implosion, Unity’s IPO, and Frogwares’ falling out with Big Ben/Nacon.

  • Why We Fight (Epic, Updated 8/26/20):

Aug 27, 2020

Two recipients of The Galaxy Fund join us to talk about their experiences securing prototype funding as well as their paths in game development.

Aug 22, 2020

The Epic vs. Apple showdown heats up. We’ll get you caught up on everything you need to know. Other topics: EA facing an Ultimate Team lawsuit, 505 doubles down on anti-consumer behavior, and a discussion about how (not) to report a story about alleged company abuses.

  • Tencent acquires minority stake in Voodoo...

Aug 15, 2020

We’re talking about executive pay again, as EA and Activision shareholders start to speak up about outsized compensation packages! We also discuss Halo Infinite’s delay and how Microsoft will adapt, the leaked Xbox Series X|S controller and release date, Warner Bros. layoffs as WBIE appears to be staying put, and...

Aug 12, 2020

CCP Games is studying how its complex EVE Online is helping players take valuable in-game skills like supply chain management out into the real world. Find out how CCP is working to help HR professionals understand the value of gaming when evaluating hiring candidates.

  • Demystifying gamers for HR (András Horváth):